Friday, June 1, 2007

Rachael's care package !

Here is a picture of the contents of the care package I am sending to a friend and she is taking it to the orphanage where Rachael is at the end of the month. Since Rachael is in foster care, we are hoping the friend gets to see Rachael when she comes in with her foster family. The friend will be in the province city for 3 days doing work with the orphanage. *****************************************************
The contents of the package are: a disposable camera ( hoping they take pictures of her with her foster family ! ), a photo album book with lots of pictures of her new family, all the pictures are labeled with chinese words, 2 pretty sundresses, one is white with trim and the other is pink floral and last but not least, Mr. Teddy bear ! He is wearing a white hooded sweatshirt with a photo of Rachael's new family on the front of, I got it done at Hoping she likes all her gifts. This might be my only chance to get some pictures of Rachael. Even though her orphanage is visited by most families, she is in foster care and doesn't come to the orphanage often. ********************************************************************
Her province is Chongqing. It's really not a province, I was told it is a municipality like Beijing. I will add a link to it under favorites for ya'll to see.


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